Remembering to Move
In my attempt to free myself from the traps of mundanity that we so easily fall into as human beings I’ve tended to neglect my physical body, focusing more on energetic and mental work. And just recently I’ve again been reminded of how powerful movement is. My usual response for feeling agitated, frustrated or uneasy is to distract my mind by talking to someone, reading, going onto social media,
but I’ve been breaking that pattern and jumping on my trampoline and dancing. The shifts have been amazing!
For many this is the opposite. Many are addicted to the flesh and forget that we are far more than our physical bodies - that we are eternal beings, with limitless potential, and focus only on the physical. Yes, we need to do a lot of healing and meditating as we are broken as a society, but then we need to find our unique way of shifting this energy.
When we are doing healing work and old patterns and stagnation start moving to the surface we need to find our personal keys to help shift this energy.
And for me I’ve had a powerful reminder that I need to move my body!