“If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
— Nikola Tesla
Shamanic Aura Clearing
This a gentle yet effective clearing of the aura, using the earthly energies and the Sutra of the Heart. It not only clears the aura of unwanted and unserving energies, but it also seals and heals your etheric field to increase protection.
Soul Retrieval
Our soul gets injured through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma, as well as events, concepts, conditioning and programming that are not revealed in our consciousness. Soul Retrieval can help if you can feel or sense that a piece of you is lost, and you are longing for that feeling of oneness within.
Spark of Life Distance Healing
This unique modality is one of the most powerful modalities that we have for remote healing. It used to be used by high priests and priestesses to keep their energy high between the times when they were in the temple. The practitioner accesses the original divine spark, the source of life and channels its light to the recipient. At this point healing can take place. Permission and co-ordination is required for this healing to have its full benefit.
Aura Healing
The Aura healing seals cracks, tears, and holes in the energy field, leaving you feeling more intact, whole, and in integrity with yourself. You are better able to hold and not leak your life force energy. Damage to the aura can come from emotional or physical trauma, alcohol, drugs, chemical medicine, sugar etc. I offer aura healing packages once you have completed a Life Activation.