Her Healing





With joy and beauty.



Do you feel that there is more to life? That you want to be more connected to joy, love and feel a true sense of aliveness?

Do you feel that you really want to make a difference in the world, but are suffering from fatigue, confusion or stuck in the survival mode of day-to-day life?


In life we have a choice;

We can choose to be held back by our past patterning and behaviour or we can choose to let go, shift and live life to our fullest potential.

I will share with you lineage-based healings, tools and initiations that empower you to find balance and thrive in life. That enable you to make choices about how you want to live your life. They are tools that I used daily and that have helped me to truly heal and find joy in being alive.

These healings, tools, initiations and teachings help cleanse you of blockages, limited beliefs, habitual patterns, and negative attachments that stand in your way from living a life of joy and passion. This path will reconnect you to your divine essence, enabling you to better flow in this physical life with a deeper connection to who you are, what makes you come alive, and how you can best share your uniqueness with humanity. It is a path of connection to your true self and a connection to something that is far greater than yourself.



As above, so below. 

As within, so without. 

As the universe,

so the soul.” 


As this universal law teaches us the current state of the world is a direct reflection of our internal reality — body, mind and soul.

Our bodies are electromagnetic conduits that flow the energy of our thoughts and emotions into the world around us. We are directly responsible for the current state of the world and have the power to alter this as individuals if we can find the courage and bravery to do so. When we do, we can begin to release our fears and blockages and become more receptive to receiving the necessary inspiration and energy to manifest a new world. A mind filled with false perceptions and clouded judgements cannot bring a new reality into fruition. And likewise a disconnect from spirit and a wounded soul inhibit us from being true creators of a new reality.

These modalities help heal different systems and structures of our bodies (physical and energetic) and us such empower us to step into our true selves better able to serve the world.


“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman



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